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No bras
What do you think of all of the research that keep popping up saying that bras either harm your breasts or have no value?  My fiancé showed me this link yesterday.

To be fair, most of the breasts in the pictures are fake, so they wouldn't need bras, anyway.  Now this research isn't going to help women whose breasts have already sagged, but maybe there's hope for the girls (in both senses of the word) in the future.  What do you think?  Are you hoping that this research pans out or do you like bras?
I'm no scientist, but I feel I can understand the logic in bra harming the breast, and feel woman should feel free to wear or not wear one!
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I don't mind either way on this topic, but if it can be potentially harmful with little to no benefits that I mean, it only seems natural to lean a bit anti-bra
I wonder what women did in the ancient times. I'm sure they probably didn't wear bras. But I don't know about harmful, I think that's a bit of a stretch.
I have never had an issue about wearing a bra. I actually feel naked without them sometimes. Some woman have the luxury with getting away with not wearing them. Most of them are because they have small breasts where wearing a bra doesn't matter much. Some woman definitely need to be wearing one. I get it, wearing bras can become uncomfortable throughout the day but I don't want to go to work and see Martha's huge boobs just sagging away. I would think that women that have huge breast would want to wear a bra. But who am I too say? I don't mind wearing my bras. But with that being said, there is no better feeling then trying our bra off at the end of the day!
I've heard about the possible danger of wearing bras (the breast not supporting itself and sagging or something), but I can't see it happening to me.
Luckily I don't have breasts big enough that my bras could factor in their condition :P
Seeing this topic reminded me of photos of African women with their breasts sagging to their stomachs...
I can see this being a thing, yes. I'd think bras would be bad for you in the same way spanx are bad - they're restrictive, and force your flesh into weird, unnatural configurations for long periods of the day. I haven't met a single woman who hasn't in some way hated their bra, even if it's just because the underwire tends to get loose and poke them.

Bras are one of the reason I still exercise. I do not want to develop man boobs and need cups. They look annoying.
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