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Thinking about getting a Fox
Thinking about getting a pet fox, anyone have one or know someone that does? I want a baby fox, I've checked if I need a license to own one, but  I haven't found anything that says I need anything special to own a fox in my area.

Any special treatment that I will have to learn about for a fox or?
My friend was looking into a pet fox, something I picked up from looking around online were that, you really want to look into breeds when buying a fox as a pet, some are a lot easier to work with. Also Foxes go through a lot of hormone change or something like that growing up and it's also something you have to look into.

I think owning a fox would be really cool, but From what I've gathered I'd want to put it in the barn and get some heating lamps and such so he can stay out in the winter, I don't think I'd do good with an indoor fox.

However I've seen many videos and people do seem to be very good with them! I also remember seeing a little one run in circles like a dog chasing his tail so fast, was pretty cool.
Defiantly something that'd be fun and a lot of hard work, but worth looking into!
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Do you have a lot of room for it to run around? I don't have a fox, but we have a lot of them in our area. They are sweet, gentle creatures, but they are very active. What I would do if I were you is not just research laws (although that is important, too), but also research the fox's needs. See if you can fulfill them. I hope you can. Foxes are great. I found this site. I hope it helps.
Please remember to check if there's a vet near you who knows a lot about fox-specific illnesses. This is an extremely important factor when getting a rare pet. You don't want to watch it suffer, or get wrongly diagnosed. I used to have rabbits and believe me that finding a knowledgeable vet was quite a daunting task.
Cool idea man.

Btw, can a fox be trained like dogs? If it can't be, i can imagine it would be a mess having a pet fox running in the house, lol. - The best C2C platform for gamer to buy and sell virtual assets / goods!
(01-19-2016, 09:10 AM)G2G Wrote: Cool idea man.

Btw, can a fox be trained like dogs? If it can't be, i can imagine it would be a mess having a pet fox running in the house, lol.

Yes they can be.
Agreed with the suggestions and cautions listed above. Foxes seem like they would be really cool pets, but their needs are quite different from those of dogs. You need to give a fox lots of space and lots of stimulation. Don't own one myself, but they seem like a lot of work, if only because they're supposed to be quite intelligent. The more intelligent the animal, the harder it can be to handle.

Foxes are one of those animals that seem like they're on the edge of moving towards domestication but aren't quite there yet, because not enough people know how to handle them properly. They certainly seem like animals that could be domesticated with enough generations of work, though.
That's interesting. I think foxes should be out in the wild where they belong. I've always thought it'd be cool to have a pet pig though lol.
Foxes are not a domesticated animal and I'd really do some research about it before committing to getting a fox for a pet. I haven't seen any foxes in pet stores ever in all the decades of living, so I don't know about your State's regulations or about endangered animals problem. Locally in the news last night there was a massive net in the country side of Oahu that had snared 2 sea turtles, a shark and some fish. Turtles are endangered species locally and you can get a hefty fine and imprisonment and authorities are looking for the net owners, so it's best to find out about endangered species in your State too. Foxes are cute little creatures that are very shy when it comes to human captivity and is very different from the domesticated animals, so vets may not treat it as well, and it's good to find out about this aspect of keeping a fox for a pet too.  Exotic animals or reptiles are often harder to maintain as a pet too. Foxes food, foxes mating behaviors and foxes temperament is not too well known too thus it could be a reason for foxes not being a pet that needs researching as well. It's up to you what you do, but maybe a nice cat is best and there's a lot at the shelters where you live.
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