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My group.
My group was removed because i wasnt active, i wasnt active since i had alot of anxiety over school.

I pmd sir twisted for my group back and he said that it would cost a fee.
Note: i paid for this group.

That isnt nice at all.

Really sad to see the admins of forums just care about money...
Firstly. You had a usergroup on Night Forums. Which merged into Forum Authority. At that time we didn't have user groups implemented, but us admins were nice enough to let you keep it. 

Secondly, we sent you out an email notification before your group was about to expire. We also did not delete your group until you were unactive for several months. You could have messaged me or any other administrator telling us of your current situation. 

Last but not least. The forum you purchased your group is exceptionally different to Forum Authority. when Night Forums merged with us you are housed under new rules. Refunds would have been in control of the administrator of that website. 

No administrator on Forum Authority cares about the money. In fact it's quite the opposite. We invest plenty of money ourselves into bringing quality features and content to the users and ask for nothing in return. We offer a vast variety of upgrades which are optional and never forced upon anyone. 

It is not our responsibility for your group.
[Image: CeODU1G.gif]
I'm sorry to hear about your anxiety, i hope things are well for you now.

However, i would like to put in my bit by saying that, admins often pay alot of money out of their own pockets to keep forums up and running. 

It's unfair of you to say that admins are only looking to make money. Im sure they have their reasons for various fees and stuff.

Not everyone's out to make money.  Believe it or not. And I'm sorry you think that.
However it's necessary so to keep things running.
(04-07-2017, 11:19 PM)marshmallow Wrote: I'm sorry to hear about your anxiety, i hope things are well for you now.

However, i would like to put in my bit by saying that, admins often pay alot of money out of their own pockets to keep forums up and running. 

It's unfair of you to say that admins are only looking to make money. Im sure they have their reasons for various fees and stuff.

Not everyone's out to make money.  Believe it or not. And I'm sorry you think that.
However it's necessary so to keep things running.

hosting forums doesnt need to cost much or not cost at all.

And if their paying with their own money then their choice not mine.
(04-08-2017, 07:04 AM)Sqweerl Wrote: hosting forums doesnt need to cost much or not cost at all.

And if their paying with their own money then their choice not mine.

That is true that it does not need to cost a lot or anything at all. However if you want a forum to succeed you need to play the game. This means you do need to put money in, and a lot of it at that. You need a quality VPS, DDoS protection, additional I.P addresses, back-up storage areas. Keep in mind that's monthly, we've not even covered additional expenses for themes, addons, graphics, marketing, advertising etc. Sorry buddy but to run a forum correctly you need to have money at hand and ready to spend.
"I'm a gamer, not because I don't have a life... But because I choose to have many"
I find it interesting how you guys say you messaged the usergroup owners to warn them about inactivity. That's false. You did nothing of the sort, at least I personally did not get one. Keep in mind the email on file is one I regularly check, however I have spam set with a script to delete after 24h of it being placed in my email; as I mark forums and the likes as not spam, and if something is going on I am able to check - however most are not sent there. Also. How are you expecting us usergroup owners to have a usergroup active? There was no where to post. We had no usergroup sections. We only had a title, and one that had issues with permissions and the sort. While it is not your responsibility for the group, technically, if you want to go there then it is. You decided to take on the previous administrator as another admin as well. If you merge a company with another company, do you not take responsibility for the various obligations they previously had? Since as far as I'm aware, if something happens with the staff, you take responsibility. If there was something promised, then a vast majority of the time, the new company will be the ones to take on that responsibility. And if that's the case, and they won't be honored, as well as all the various other payments group owners made, then we should be refunded. I know I personally purchased:
    A usergroup, A custom group prefix, Sub-sections, as well as a custom username color. 
I had to pay extra for all of those. And I barely was able to own them for MAYBE a month, before it gets merged and I lose it. Albeit I did get them back, shortly. It was a title. We had nowhere to 'post' for our group, there was no way for it to be active. Therefore I wasn't. Nor will I be "active" on this forum until I can see it's worth my time. So far, I have seen little of that. I mean hell. You guys apparently can't even remember to award people the awards they are supposed to have.
[Image: fyuAgEq.jpg]
"I'm a gamer, not because I don't have a life... But because I choose to have many"
(04-13-2017, 03:56 AM)Silence Wrote: I find it interesting how you guys say you messaged the usergroup owners to warn them about inactivity. That's false. You did nothing of the sort, at least I personally did not get one. Keep in mind the email on file is one I regularly check, however I have spam set with a script to delete after 24h of it being placed in my email; as I mark forums and the likes as not spam, and if something is going on I am able to check - however most are not sent there. Also. How are you expecting us usergroup owners to have a usergroup active? There was no where to post. We had no usergroup sections. We only had a title, and one that had issues with permissions and the sort. While it is not your responsibility for the group, technically, if you want to go there then it is. You decided to take on the previous administrator as another admin as well. If you merge a company with another company, do you not take responsibility for the various obligations they previously had? Since as far as I'm aware, if something happens with the staff, you take responsibility. If there was something promised, then a vast majority of the time, the new company will be the ones to take on that responsibility. And if that's the case, and they won't be honored, as well as all the various other payments group owners made, then we should be refunded. I know I personally purchased:
    A usergroup, A custom group prefix, Sub-sections, as well as a custom username color. 
I had to pay extra for all of those. And I barely was able to own them for MAYBE a month, before it gets merged and I lose it. Albeit I did get them back, shortly. It was a title. We had nowhere to 'post' for our group, there was no way for it to be active. Therefore I wasn't. Nor will I be "active" on this forum until I can see it's worth my time. So far, I have seen little of that. I mean hell. You guys apparently can't even remember to award people the awards they are supposed to have.

Contradicting your username, I see..
[Image: CeODU1G.gif]
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