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Full Version: What are you doing at the same Time as being on FA?
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Trying on things.
Currently browsing YouTube and dealing with a sore throat, I'm also getting ready for the next episode of The Walking Dead.


(11-06-2017, 07:51 PM)Sir Twisted Wrote: [ -> ]Currently browsing YouTube and dealing with a sore throat, I'm also getting ready for the next episode of The o
Oh no.. hope you cure your sore throat.
This weather is certainly bound to make one ill.  xD
Snapchatting, I switch between the apps in the morning.
listening to a youtube video my SO is watching
Pretty much talking to some friends on Snapchat.
Watching youtube videos
I'm actually currently at work drinking a glass of water.
Doing nothing, just on FA
Unfortunately getting ready to start working.
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