Forum Authority

Full Version: What are you doing at the same Time as being on FA?
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  • Configuring Jira Support Desk
  • Responding to Tweet Messages
  • Answering the phone
  • Reading logs

Quite a bit.
Making lunch, debating on what movie to watch.
Talking to boyfriend.
(08-25-2016, 01:18 AM)Ben Cousins Wrote: [ -> ]
  • Configuring Jira Support Desk
  • Responding to Tweet Messages
  • Answering the phone
  • Reading logs

Quite a bit.

Busy bee! 

Currently sorting a few things out for work after things have gone south a little.
Also working on a few things for Forum Authority, checking out our logs and replying to tweets to the forum page!
Planning some redesigning features for Forum Authority and watching Mission Impossible 3.
Nothing else.
Youtube browsing and twittering.
Having a Brazilian BBQ steak Pot Noodle while finishing The Goonies movie.
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