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Full Version: What are you doing at the same Time as being on FA?
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Skyping my boyfriend, plus trying to write up my entry for my blog for today.
Listening to some music and about to play Halo.
Skyping my boyfriend.
Listening to music and designing a new program that will be showcased here on FA soon.
Skyping my boyfriend.
Looking into frameworks for an upcoming project with work.
Skyping my boyfriend.
(09-12-2016, 07:20 PM)Naiwen Wrote: [ -> ]Skyping my boyfriend, plus trying to write up my entry for my blog for today.

(09-14-2016, 07:06 PM)Naiwen Wrote: [ -> ]Skyping my boyfriend.

(09-19-2016, 08:20 PM)Naiwen Wrote: [ -> ]Skyping my boyfriend.

(09-20-2016, 07:01 PM)Naiwen Wrote: [ -> ]Skyping my boyfriend.

Sensing a theme here...

In other news: I'm updating VPN infrastructure to permit tunneling between two locations (on the same IP subnet).
(09-20-2016, 11:02 PM)Ben Cousins Wrote: [ -> ]In other news: I'm updating VPN infrastructure to permit tunneling between two locations (on the same IP subnet).

Well that sounds interesting!
Writing up my blog.
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