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(04-18-2020, 02:13 PM)TopSilver Wrote: [ -> ]Your just like me haha. That's what I tend to do is around 12 hours but sometimes it's less. Just depends on how long I stayed up prior. I try not to sleep that much but sometimes it's something I can't avoid. This is mainly do to issues with my health that are finally starting to go away. I've been slowly recovering. Sometimes I stay up longer though maybe 2 days at a time though if I've been sleeping a lot.

The most I've stayed up in recent years is a little over 24 hours. And that's just because it's my attempt at having a regular sleep schedule.
Very difficult to do when my body wants to sleep twice the amount that I should.
I stay asleep for very long due to some health issues but rather than recovering, it's more like having good days and bad days :P
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