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Full Version: Last bought?
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As of today, I didn't buy anything. Just went window-shopping the whole afternoon.
New wireless mouse for the laptop, as well as a new phone case and screen protector.
I didn't buy anything today but yesterday I bought a coffee from a coffee shop and gas for my car.
The last thing I bought would have been "gold digger" by vilain.
(03-02-2016, 01:55 PM)Sir Twisted Wrote: [ -> ]The last thing I bought would have been "gold digger" by vilain.

And what would that be, Sir Twisted?
(03-02-2016, 01:59 PM)Naiwen Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-02-2016, 01:55 PM)Sir Twisted Wrote: [ -> ]The last thing I bought would have been "gold digger" by vilain.

And what would that be, Sir Twisted?
I last bought groceries for myself and my family.
I purchased a USB sound card adapter as the last one I had unfortunately broke.
Thermal paste and rubbing alcohol (to remove the old paste)
I'm going to be buying a new pair of Chelsea boots.